Our Story

Some ground-breaking ideas start in a garage in California. This one starts in a local Chicago coffee shop.

A group of tired therapists were meeting for much-needed coffee... and a brainstorming session to discuss how to improve their efficiency with their busy caseloads. One common thread in their conversation was how much time they spent scoring standardized assessments and writing up reports, even with years of experience.

As senior therapists with extensive experience in the field, they started thinking of ways to streamline the report writing process. They thought of different possibilities but still felt there was something missing.

This led the group to exploring ideas with a local web developer. The rest is history (and a lot of hard work). As the therapists collaborated with the web developer, they communicated what could benefit therapists from a clinical perspective, and the development team translated their ideas into a tool to revolutionize report writing.

The ideas grew into Nitro Evals with solutions for speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, Board Certified Behavior Analysts, physical therapists, and psychologists. With the clinical expertise of these therapists, Nitro Evals helps clinicians create high-quality, comprehensive reports.

Learn more about Nitro Evals

See how we can revolutionize your report writing